Thursday, February 18, 2010

Guyana Govt Invites Israeli Govt To Help Set Up CIA?

February 18-2010:

Guyana Govt Invites Israeli Govt To Help Set Up CIA?


The Israeli Security Institution called The "Mossad," has a notorious history of clandestine assassinations and killing of individuals that the Israeli government wants obliterated.

The recent case in point is the Palestinian official who was killed in his hotel room in Abu Dabi, allegedly by the Mossad, who used the names Israeli citizens with British passports, to disguise their covert and evil acts.

If this is the organization that the Guyana government wants to advise or organize their Internal Security/Spy Agency. Then it stands to reason, that we are heading down the same terror road, like this organization indulges with impunity.

Heaven help us all!


Social Security & Mandatory Retirement!

February 18-2010:

Social Security & Mandatory Retirement:

This issue is being debated currently in France. Where there is an aging population that would be eligible for Social Security Pensions soon. And in a society where the working population that can contribute to the pool of Security Benefits is dwindling, due to an aging population would qualify very soon, and a small and younger work force.

Which threatens the viability and longevity of the Social Security Pension Scheme.


As far as I am aware, the Guyana National Social Security contribution requirement are the following.

* The total amount to qualify for Retirement Pensions is 750.

* This can be acquired/accumulated over the course of TEN years of continuous employment.

* Each employee has to make a weekly contribution via his/her employer payroll.

* If that employee is paid monthly. Then he/she will pay four contributions for each month.

* The employer also pays a supplementary contribution for each employee also.

This was the requirement as @ May-1989, when I still resided therein.

I don't know if the contribution period have been changed, or if the rate per person, and the rate per employer has changed.


Individuals who are Self-employed can also contribute to the Social Security Scheme, if they so desire. And are expected to contribute the same amount per person, as if they were employed with some firm or organization.

The National Retirement Age Legislated by Parliament is 65 years. And if at fifty five years you are still not qualified for N.I.S. pension.

You have the option to Voluntarily Contribute the remaining contributions that would make you eligible for a pension.


Maybe the French should consider Voluntary Contributions (if that does not exist), for those who have past the retirement age, and for Self-employed persons willing to contribute towards their retirement also.

New York City.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A New Central Intelligence Agency For Guyana!

February 13-2010:

A New Central Intelligence Agency For Guyana!

This seems to be the idea of president Jagdeo currently, and I am worried about the oversight, supervision, functioning, and accountability concerns of this agency, if or when it gets underway!

Historically, the GDF have had the responsibility of collecting information that may be deemed necessary, for the National Security & Sovereignty of Guyana. I also think that this unit or department fell under the purview of the presidential secretariat/president.

Historically, and with the advent of the PNC-LFS Burhnam administration, it was used as a political tool for the spying, harassing, and intimidation of citizens deemed by the regime as anti-government, or a political threat to the political administration. This behavior continues even to this day, with impunity.

Having a special agency setup for this task, and not associated with the GDF does not make any difference with the role it will play, or is playing undercover currently.

And if or when this agency is established, who will be responsible for the oversight, supervision, and accountability?

And does the National Constitution Of Guyana provide for such an agency, which can be used as a tool to compromise the democratic process of any democracy, if left to it's own devices?

The USA Supreme Court's Decision:

Only recently, we have witnessed how the US Supreme Court issued an edict 5-4, allowing for any organization, individual, or interest group, (within or without the USA), to use it's financial resources to influence, advertise, or subscribe to any political candidate running for public office. This according to the interpretation of that vote, allows those individuals to practice their Rights To Free Speech in that manner.

Therefore, with the above in mind, any individual who has unlimited financial resources can subscribe millions of dollars to any candidate or campaign, that they would like to push or have their specific needs met, if or when elected to public office.

And the majority of the commonweal, most of whom are too poor to match those large contributions, will be overwhelmed with ads on the national TV, Radio, and other networks. By those who can afford to pay large sums of money for air time and exposure.


It is also fact that most states (even democracies have some sort of national security/spy organization). And most military establishments have their own specific type of internal security unit or establishment.

And these institutions can be used as a means of oppression, spying, communication blackouts, and monitoring, in any state where the political administration is allowed to do as they please, without Checks & Balances, Oversight, or Accountability.

And I don't see any of these checks and balances ever happening in Guyana Period!

