Sunday, January 10, 2010

Kite Flying In Guyana Explained:

January 10-2010:

Kite Flying In Guyana Explained!

In Guyana, it symbolizes the Ascension of The Risen Christ into Heaven.

And Kite Flying is done on Easter Monday. The day supposedly when the ascension took place. This is a tradition that most Guyanese practice. Christians and Muslims alike. It transcends all religious faiths in Guyana.

Kite Flying In India Announces The Arrival Of Summer:

The Indo Guyanese community seem to feel that putting a 'sharp razor blade' on the string of your kite, when it is hoisted in the sky, and makes contact with other strings in the facility, it will cut that string, and cause it to come down.

That to them is very funny, and is seen as trying to gain the upper hand in how long one can keep his/her kite aloft, without it being compromised that way. It is all done for FUN. By I also find that most Afro-Guyanese frowns upon that aspect of the festivity.

Easter Monday:

Kite Flying is done on Easter Monday. The day after the official day or Sunday, that Christ ascended to Heaven, according to Christian belief.

And that day is a holiday in Guyana. So families are able to repair to open fields, parks, football grounds, and the Sea Wall/Atlantic Ocean Sea Shore, (where the wind is always very strong), thus making it very easy to hoist your kite into the sky/air. Thousands of kite fliers of all ages gather at these places from early morning, until sundown for kite flying and picnicking.

Baskets of Curry, Roti, Puri, Dhall, Rice & Curry, are taken in lunch baskets for a family picnic while they take intervals at kite flying. Music is played by food sellers carts and stalls, some individuals also bring their own mobile music box/player to entertain themselves too.

By and large, Easter Monday Kite Flying in Guyana, is looked forward to, and celebrated by all ethnic groups, regardless of your religious beliefs, and affiliations, and with a spirit of joviality, on this National Holiday.


I understand that in India, kite flying is done by the poor, or the Dalits in the streets, parks, and open spaces. While the Rich fly their kites on their terraces and roofs. This has been so for generations, and it is class associated and identified activity too!


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