Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Blacks Have Sunk To The Lowest Social Denominator In Guyana Currently!

May 29-2012.

Blacks Have Sunk To The Lowest Social Denominator In Guyana Currently!

Socially and politically, Blacks in Guyana have brought this depravity upon themselves. Because they have failed to be vigilant, resolute, and refuse to address those problems whenever it occurs. Most would rather take care of his/her own affairs, and let the others take care of themselves.

While others see themselves as in transit Guyanese, or those who can afford to travel overseas, work, or indulge in  illicit activities, accumulate wealth, and show it off to fellow Guyanese at home, with new homes, and other material stuff from the USA.

It is appalling to see just how low the Blacks have fallen in Guyana. But do not blame this dilemma solely on the government and politics. Blame all Guyanese for allowing themselves to be conned, cajoled, and bribed into thinking some are better than others.


For every ten Afro-Guyanese boys who entered school in September last year (2011), four will make it to the end of the school year.

Many of these drop-outs find menial work as sweepers, helpers and gofers; others head for the Gold bush to seek their fortunes ( many never returning); still others become easy recruits for a vastly growing criminal underworld, fueled by drugs and gun trafficking.

The reminder resort to “living off the land”, many end up as vagrants, petty thieves and comprise a growing lumpenproletariat that inhabit the commercial districts of the major population centers.

The Camp Street Prison located in the heart of the Capital is a symbol of national shame. Fyodor Dostoevsky, author of Crime and Punishment, is credited with saying; “The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” If we accept this to be true then Guyana is developing some dubious and degenerative dynamics.

Built to house  610 inmates the Georgetown Prison now houses over 1100 detainees, due in large part to a pre-trial back log, ( people awaiting their day in court) they represent 60% of the prison population. Take a walk inside the walls of the prison; the place is not fit for animals, let alone human beings. Men sleeping  head-to-toe in cells, packed like sardines; most without mattresses and without proper bedding; hammocks hanging from the ceiling in rows all the way down to the floor where men lie on pieces of cardboard.

The stench of human sweat and urine soaked into a hundred year old concrete floors. In the evening they stuff their ears and their nostrils; they put bread and other treats in corners to deflect the cockroaches  from crawling into their unguarded orifices


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